Kata Berseni
I craft verses and breathe life into them with music.
Baca novel Kata Berseni lengkap di Kanvas Kata. Kami menyediakan novel, cerpen, puisi dan lirik yang dapat dibaca online secara gratis. Where Dimensions of Literary Realms Come Alive
Kata Berseni
Lirik dan lagu tulisan aku sejak 1992. Sebahagian daripadanya nukilan Farah Hanna Yusoff dan Sophia Izzaty.
Andai dipisah lagu dan irama, lemah tiada berjiwa, hampa... ~ P.Ramlee
- Author:
- Owl Soul
- Artist:
- Country:
- Malaysia
- Language:
- Malay
- Chapter:
- Sky is the limit
- Published:
- 1992
- Tags:
- Lirik, Lagu,
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