Join The Journey

I see you there painting your life
with different colours once again
I saw you do it times and times again
and how hard you try.

With your trembling hands now you turn a new page 
and sketch the evening when you see the sun go down,
when you see me watching you lying on the ground…
try to figure it out.

Well, I think you need a new canvas
(I gave you a new canvas),
I think you need new colours too
As you reached my hand and I helped you up
You said you need something new
Then you drew a smile as I put a smile on your face
When I said, "How beautiful it can be,"
As you asked me, 
“Can you feel deep inside of me?”
Let it out, say it out loud…
now you have someone listening.

And we stare at the stars tonight
As we lie on the grass and feel the breeze
Tomorrow will be OK
Tomorrow will be fine
Tomorrow will be great
Tomorrow will be fun
And life’s gonna be better than it used to be.

And I won’t draw a line between us
There’ll be no line between us
I won’t draw a line…

And we stare at the stars tonight
As we lie on the grass and feel the breeze
Tomorrow will be OK
Tomorrow will be fine
Tomorrow will be great
Cos tonight you are mine…

Join The Journey

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